Botanical Medicine | Adonai Optimal Health and Wellness Services

At Adonai Optimal Health and Wellness Facility in Monroe CT we have experience in several Naturopathic and Integrative Wellness treatments. As a Naturopathic Physician in CT  Dr. Whitton specializes in Botanical Medicine. Here is some information you should know about the benefits of Botanical Medicine.

What is Botanical Medicine?

Botanical medicine comprises plants, or substances that come from plants, that are used to treat or prevent disease. Very similar to herbal remedies, botanical medicine treats illness using plant parts whereas herbal remedies strictly use herbs, such as bark, seeds, roots, and stems. Some of the most popular botanical medicines include ingredients such as, cranberries, saw palmetto, soy, echinacea, ginko, etc.

What health conditions does Botanical Medicine Treat?

Several clinical studies have tested and proven the effects of Botanical Medicine on the maintain overall health and treating disease. Some of the functions that Botanical Medicine has been known to improve are:

  • Cardiovascular and Circulatory functions
  • Endocrine and Hormonal functions
  • Digestive, Gastrointestinal, and Liver functions
  • Reproductive functions
  • Immune functions
  • Skin, Muscular and Skeletal functions
  • Metabolic and Nutritional functions
  • Respiratory and Pulmonary functions
  • Genito-urinary and Renal functions