Colonic Hydrotherapy in CT | Adonai Optimal Health and Wellness Services

At Adonai Optimal Health and Wellness Facility in Monroe, Connecticut we have experience in several Naturopathic and Integrative Wellness specialties, including Colonic Hydrotherapy. Here is some information you should know about the benefits of Colonic Hydrotherapy.

What is Colonic Hydrotherapy?

Colon hydrotherapy is the intricate washing of the colon with warm water, to remove encrusted fecal residue, gas and mucous plagues. This therapy enables essential nutrients to be retained all the more effortlessly and abandons you feeling revived and lighter. Colon hydrotherapy involves the safe infusion of water into the colon through the anus. There are no drugs or chemicals used during the procedure. A healthy gut is essential for optimal health. When the colons fail to perform its duties, the body starts to function at a much lower efficiency resulting in chronic diseases.

Can Colonic Hydrotherapy detox your body?

The colon is distressed with all the burden from our daily consumption habits like excess consumption of animal proteins, processed food, fat, and sugar. Without colonic hydrotherapy, toxic materials end up re-entering our bloodstream and reducing our bodies capacity to function at an optimum level.

How can colonic hydrotherapy help?

  • Increased energy
  • Improved circulation
  • Clearer skin and eyes
  • Mental clarity
  • Better digestion
  • Relief from bloating and heaviness
  • Weight normalizing
  • Removing the waste material from the colon literally destroys the habitat for the harmful bacteria.
  • The immune system gets strengthened so the body becomes more protected against various health conditions such as:
    • constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel, bloating, excessive gas, indigestion, allergies, candida overgrowth, skin problems, brittle nails and hair, abnormal body odor, unpleasant breath, backache, stiffness, arthritis, fatigue, insomnia, poor concentration, and headaches.

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